Inoue | |
Information | |
Name | Inoue |
Status | Surgical Doctor |
Age | 60s |
Gender | Male |
Affiliation | Jackals |
Inoue is a surgical doctor who studied eastern medicine in his own country, implicating at an Near eastern background, and then western medicine upon arriving at Cicero City. He was also a military doctor who tended to the severely wounded in a war. It is also stated that even the most brutal Jackal in existence Shinigami Roxy has learned a significant amount of medicinal knowledge from him. He is also a heavy drinker, to the point of being called a drunkard his friend. Inoue has stated that he has given up martial arts because he tutored a disciple so violent, destructive, ruthless, and cold-hearted that he recognized the absurdity of teaching in Cicero City. He witnessed destruction first hand and eventually became docile, refusing to engage in teaching people due to the amount of violence it causes.
Inoue is an old man with a heavy mustache covering most of his mouth, a broad nose along with a slouch and bags under his eyes. He wears rundown and shaggy clothes coupled with a newsboy cap. He wears a white formal undershirts with boots, and rundown underpants with miscolored stitched patches. He has pure white hair and possess a cleft chin.
A calm, composed, and deeply hurt individual who blames himself for the creation of the most brutal Jackal to ever exist, and misused his martial arts instructions to enact violent and pain amongst others for profit. He recognizes the futility of teaching martial arts in a world dominated by technological innovation and acknowledged the pointless of teaching self-defense skills to soldiers in the war. He is not afraid of fighting individuals who antagonize him, while also being a heavy drinker with no noticeable effects on his fighting capabilities. He is not above using violence and will hold back amongst those who he deems weak and unfit for hand-to-hand combat such as Nichol. His is also highly knowledgeable in treating wounds and has an extreme amount of knowledge in various surgical procedures. Being highly well versed in eastern and western medicine. Utilizing different medicines to alleviate various pains and is highly capable of analyzing human anatomy while determining what was affected simply from appearance, as he did with Sheryl.
Highly Knowledgeable in Eastern Medicine: