Explosion Hans
Hans Gilbenraat | |
Information | |
Name | Hans Gilbenraat |
Codename | "Explosive Hans |
Status | Alive |
Age | 28 |
Gender | Male |
Height | 1.72m (5'8 |
Weight | 65kg (143.3lbs) |
Occupations | Head of Weapons Division |
Affiliation | Garbriella |
'Explosion' Hans or Dynamite Hans name is actually Hans Gilbenraat. A member of Gabriella and the Mermaid thirteen.
Hans is tall with light blond hair that is usually seen in a pony tail, he has dark eyes and a fair complexion.
He is seen in a light colored suit with dark shoes and a choker, he also has finger gloves on his thumb, fore, and middle fingers, on both hands.
Hans in loyal to Isaac and Gabriella. He is ambitious and willing to kill to get what he wants.
He hates Nichol because he killed Green Eyes Abraham and Giant Gaccho and has tried to kill him on several occasions. He is arrogant, and overconfident in his ability to defeat his opponents, initially mocking the jackals over his explosive ability and believing himself to have the upper hand. He shows cowardice and weakness once overwhelmed - running and hiding once Nichol proved to be taking his bombs nearly full force, but still taking no notable damage. He is generally mistrustful of new individuals that enter Grabriella and often seeks to find out anything that makes them seem like a mole or enemy. Melancholy is also one of his defined characteristic features of his personality. Although initially not scared in a fight, he exudes a calm and composed persona that will quickly fade an enemy proves to strong for him to handle, or he's took weak to fight back.
Weapons and Abilities[]
Weapons Manufacturing: Hans is the head of Gabriellas weapon factory. Hans is extremely knowledgeable in various types of weaponry and the construction and deconstruction of a multiple of arms. Analyzing the range, damage capabilities, and strength of weapons just from sight and is also knowledgeable in how to use them and how effective each weapon is against each individual he faces off against.
Knowledge of Explosives: Hans became first known by Gabriella due to his heavy usages of explosives and multiple terrorist attacks with explosive, often being called a natural demolition man by many of peers. His explosives are packed full of nitroglycerin with hints to an education in chemistry with many of his explosives being packed full of various drugs to weapon his opponents.
Drug Intelligence: Due to Hans' ability to incorporate a multiple of drugs within his nitroglycerin compounds, it suggest a profound knowledge in toxins, chemicals, ranging from Ammonium Nitrate Explosives Mixtures to Calcium Nitrate Explosive Mixtures.