Gabriella is a connected group of high society gang members who control the northern half of Cicero City with 400 members in total loyal to the ideology and beliefs of Darkness Isaac who acts as a subordinate/ lieutenant to the mayor Don Salieri. The elected town mayor Don Salieri uses Darkness Isaac as a proxy for orders and commands while protecting the individuals apart of Gabriella from jail, prison, or murder crimes. It is assumed that each high ranking member of Gabriella has immunity from any and all crimes, regardless of the sheer brutality or vulgarity of aforementioned crimes. However due to suffering defeats by the hands of Nichol and Huya, Gabriella has lost two of it's divisions to the Chinese Gang Tennouren that control the southern part of Cicero City.
Assassination Experts[]
- Lightning Richard
- Cyclone Claude
- Giant Gaccho
- Devil Haroldo
- Angelo Giulio
Gabriella's High Command[]
- God of War Rubiero
- Python-Lady Arshela
- Explosion Hans
- Vampire Franco (Formerly)
- Blood-Witch Domino (Formerly)
- Scorpio Diosini
- Poison Expert Cornelio Avogadro
Holy Night[]
The gambling division. It's in charge of the Holy Night cassino. It's lead God of War Rubiero.
The Cell[]
The dentention division. It's in charge of imprisoning and interrogating problematic members as well as members of other gangs. It's lead by Python-Lady Arshela.
The procuring division. It manages the Paradise brothel and controls the city's prostitutes. It's lead by Cornelio Avogadro.
The weapon's factory. It buys and creates weapons. It's lead by Explosion Hans, after Green Eyes Abraham's death.
The Bat[]
The information division. In charge of collecting information, and spying. It was lead by Vampire Franco. Flying-Monkey Jasper was a member of this division.
The Cavern[]
The drug dealing division. It produces and distributes drugs. It was lead by Blood Witch Domino.
Ferris Wheel[]
The logistics division. It manages the weapons store, along with other goods. It's base is the most advanced on the front line. It's lead by Scorpio Diosini.
- Poison Expert Cornelio
Members of High Command[]
- Darkness Isaac
- Python-lady Arshela
- Blood Witch Domino
- Explosion Hans (Former- Green Eyes Abraham)
- Vampire Franco
- Scorpio Diosini
- God of War Rubiero
- Corelio Avogadro
Assasin Experts[]
- Cyclone Claude
- Lightning Richard
- Giant Gaccho
- Devil Haroldo
- Angelo Giulio
- In Hebrew, Gabriella means "the strength of God."