Jackals Wiki
Albert Gacho
Albert Gacho
Name Albert Gacho
Codename Giant Gacho
Status Deceased
Gender Male
Occupations Assassin
Affiliation Mermaid Thirteen, Gabriella
First Appearance Chapter 5

Albert Gacho also known as Giant Gacho was a member of Gabriella's Mermaid Thirteen.


Gaccho is a huge man, being 6' 9" and around 276 lbs. He has dark skin and has his hair in dreadlocks (or cornrows it's hard to tell which) that are pulled into a ponytail.

he is seen wearing a long dark coat, a white wife beater, dark pants and shoes, and a pair of odd metal gloves. He also is seen wearing a necklace.


Loyal to his friends and to Gabriella he was willing to sacrifice himself in order to take Alligator Nichol with him.


Abilities And Powers[]


Giant Gaccho strength

Giant Gaccho lifting and throwing Huya


Gaccho is seen ripping a lamp post out of the ground and using it like a quarter staff.


Gaccho uses his metal gloves to punch and block things that would usually be to hard or sharp to punch, such as Huya Requiem's giant sword.

Physical Abilities[]


Gaccho is renown for his super human strength, he was able to block Huya Requiem's attack and then throw him into Alligator Nichol, sending them both out a window. He was also able to rip a lamp post out of the ground and then use it as a weapon against Nichol and Huya.


Gaccho was fast enough to get his hand up to protect his head from Huya's attack.
